What is HTML?
HTML is the full form of HyperText Markup Language. It is the basic web designing programming code language that is specially designed for the display of the documents and their contents on a web page. It is such a language that is guaranteed to be understood by all kinds of web browsers. HTML especially describes the structure of a Webpage. HTML basically consists of a series of elements. These elements perform the job of telling the browser about the display of the contents. On any webpage in any browser, right-click if you want to see the source code or block of HTML, you can right-click and view the page source and you see the entire HTML code. HTML is developed by WHATWG. The HTML-based webpage is treated as a static web page.
Why do we use HTML?
HTML code ensures the actual formatting of the contents of a Web Browser. Without it, a browser will not be able to know to display text as elements or to load contents.
HTML also gives you insight into what to do when you have a problem with your site. Instead of just blaming the site builder you could actually go in and fix it because you have that basic knowledge on this.
HTML dominates the document creation on the internet via tag and document object model (DOM). The revolutionary use of HTML is Internet Navigation. Using HTML, a user can very easily navigate through all web pages and the websites in between, located on various servers. Moreover just having knowledge of HTML and its actual coding implementation, will give you small openings for jobs.
Versions of HTML

A simple HTML code is shown below:
<h1>Hello Html</h1>
<p>Welcome to Html.</p>
Yes before run or execute the code we have to save the HTML file as Name.html
For example Hello.html. After saving the file it will save as a browser icon. If we double click on it it will run and output will come.
What is CSS?
CSS means Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is responsible for representing a document written in any markup language such as HTML. In other words, CSS is a style sheet language that is used to describe the looking and formatting of a document written in a markup language. With the help of CSS, you can add new looks to your old HTML document. The look of the website can also be changed. CSS is developed by World Wide Web Consortium.
Why do we use CSS?
CSS is specially designed to enable the separation of beautiful presentation of the contents which include layout, colors, and fonts. This is actually used to improve the accessibility of the contents. Moreover, it provides more flexibility and control on the specification on the presentation of the characteristics.
In an external CSS file, it is possible to change the entire website just by changing one relevant CSS file. Comparing to HTML, it provides more attributes to define the look of the website.
A simple HTML code is shown below. Here also we have to save the file as before.
For example - Hello.html
body {
background-color: lightblue;
h1 {
color: white;
text-align: center;
p {
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 20px;
<h1>My First CSS Example</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
What is JS?
JS is Java Script. It is used along with HTML to make a Dynamic web page or DHTML (Dynamic HTML). Sir Brendan Eich first invented JS. Though Java and JavaScript seem that both are developed from the same organization but the truth is different. Java is a High-Level programming language designed by Sun Microsystems. JS is also a High-Level programming language but it is a scripting language. Where java is not a scripting language.
After the first invention of JS, there are so many modifications to it. Later, JS was modified by ECMAScript standard. JS is also called ECMAScript language.
Since then, JavaScript is the world's most popular scripting programming language.
Why do we use JavaScript?
Java Script is used to make a webpage dynamic. It is also used to add special effects on web pages. Its main use by the web pages is to validate. Moreover, it supports external applications. It also has the ability to load contents in a document as per requirement.
There are so many features of JS, stated as below.
It provides the facility to create presentations like a website.
Java Script is used for creating games.
Java Script uses HTML5 to draw graphics on a webpage.
Java Script is mainly used in Apple and Android mobile phones for creating applications of two different languages.
The versions of JS
The Original JavaScript ES1 ES2 ES3 (1997-1999)
The First Main Revision ES5 (2009)
The Second Revision ES6 (2015)
Yearly Additions (2016, 2017, 2018)
A simple example of JS is shown below. Though by any name user can save, the name we are using here same.
<h2>Hello java Script?</h2>
<p id="demo">Welcome to JavaScript.</p>
<button type="button" onclick='document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello you clicked me"'>Click Me!</button>