Spirituality is a belief or a feeling from our inner soul that is not very easy to realize but if someone tries to search it from the inner urge from the true soul, can be realized very soon. It can be portrayed that there is something ultimate power divine power. It is always something that is bigger than our imagination. This is always greater or the supreme power of the whole universe.
Spirituality is a combination of deeply cultivating our mind, body, emotions, and energies to the extreme level.
It says –
Who am I?
Why am I?
Where am I?
What are our duties?
What is Maya?
Who is The GOD?
Where is The GOD?
And there are so many things.
It is finding time to navel one’s inner power or relation to a higher ability. For many, the idea of cultivating one’s spiritual, emotional side can be a tough task. But unfortunately, these generation people are more aware of the outside of themselves. They are more focused on society, culture, wealth, money, fame. For that reason, focused spiritual growth is very often neglected. A good reminder to each of us of the underlying value that spiritual life can bring.
There are five valuable aspects of spirituality-
Hopefulness – Most important aspect of spirituality is hopefulness. Hope and optimism make a man significant. Spirituality strengthens our outlook for a better future.
Compassion and understanding – It is easy to judge and criticize others. But when you start to go with spirituality we realize how much healthier it is to cultivate compassion and understanding for others instead.
Sense of purpose – We are living for a reason and are meant to contribute something to the world. Without a motive of spirituality, we can lose sight of what is actually most significant and meaningful.
Inspiration and aspiration – Life is full of inspiration when we are looking for it. Through this spirituality, we can realize the holy manifestation of our life. Through spiritual growth, we can learn to see the beauty and wonder in your daily life.
Peace of mind – Part of spirituality is connecting to supreme power. To archive the level of divine power we should always let go of the entire emotional burden and that gives us the state peaceful mind.
Spiritual life --
We can transform our life through spirituality. Prayer and meditation will help us to transform our mind, soul, energies, spirit, and body. Certainly, prayer is always an ever-present help to overcome trouble. But we should not wait for trouble or make prayer for the problem. We should make habit of prayer to GOD.
Many humble prayers of many people can make incredible unrespectable magic. Though, this magic is not understood by science or technology. Like a simple, thanksgiving of grace at the table daily, the faithful devotions wherein the individual seeks the only communion with the GOD.
Generally we the foolish people are surprised to see the flowers in the garden, feeling excited to see the bunch of ripe fruits in the garden, but we do we really want to know who is the gardener of that wonderful garden?
The answer is no. Here is the thought that we are searching the output, not the Master behind it.
Yes, In this world we are doing our job designed by the Master, The GOD.
This law of belief is controlling in all religions of the world and is the reason why they are psychologically genuine. The morals of all religions are the same. Maybe ideology is different. The Hindu, the Buddhist, the Christian, the Moslem, the Hebrew, and many others do believe the GOD in their own way. But destiny is the same.
Way of ritual, way of prayers can be different but the spiritual aspect is the same for all religions.
Importance of spirituality --
The law of life is the law of belief, and belief could be summed up briefly as a thought in your mind. As a human thinks, feels, and believes, so it represents the present condition of his mind, body, and circumstances. Doing a good thing with the true heart and soul, speaking good words with others, sharing holy knowledge with others automatically increase our mental peace and will lead us to the spiritual belief or simply to the GOD.
Spiritual abuse among youth –
Basically, people have not much knowledge about spirituality nowadays. People are more concerned with their materialistic world, wealth, power, wealth growth, and technology. For this reason, spiritual abuse is a common issue today. Another big reason is to avoid this spirituality by youth. Some people are creating the wrong conceptions by using superstitious things. People are manipulated by their superstitious talk and getting afraid. Those people are taking advantage of people's emotions and feelings. That is another reason why people are neglecting spirituality.
Bad impact of neglected spirituality –
Spirituality increasing the peace level of mind and body. Make life more easy and stable. At the deeper level of mind can create a thoughtful person and a by a hearted pure person in the way of your life. At this level man know the real truth of life and the purpose of their life. But since they don’t know the importance of it, mental peace is not there, instead anger is there. Mental stability is not there but frustration is there.
Conclusion --
Everyone desires health, happiness, security, peace of mind, true expression, but many fail to archive clearly defined rules. Only the way of recovery from this mental stress is meditation or healthy habits. This healthy habit doesn’t mean healthy food and only exercise. It also says about helping others with true soul and never expects anything from anybody. If we expect something we will lose our mental peace. Thus the sacred habit of spirituality gives us a sense of peace, wholeness, and balance among the physical, emotional, social, spiritual aspects of our lives.