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Global Culture


Updated: Jun 11, 2021

Every nation has its own living things and has a different living standard and the living standard of every nation can be said as culture. Culture can be defined as the identity of a nation. It is the national heritage and personality. Culture means what we talk, walk, and the things we do, the most important what we wear. A universal culture narrates the amounts of symbols, states, histories, religions, languages, traditions, connections shared by the people of all over the world, the person who occupies the same national singularity. The result of this globalization may insist beyond national. Singularities and drifts toward the final formation of international singularities. Global culture’s results affect not only our outward appearance but also even more significantly, the way in which we think and perform as a global citizen. Though some experts force on the impossibility of this globalization, there are also forcefully arguments for supporting the internationalization of the world’s future. Nevertheless, undoubtedly, the upraise of global culture can make a strong effect and improve the world by spreading cultural pervasion, eliminating wars and improving lives around the world.

In ancient time, when people looked like an animal, their lifestyle was very different from us. They used to live like animals, they ate fruits from trees and meats by killing the animal by themselves. They used to wear filaments of trees. They produced fire by rubbing the stones. And from this, this is how technology comes. From time to time people changed. Their behavior, manners, lifestyle had also changed.

There was a time called Sindhi civilization. They used to live like us. Their culture was also like the present time. They too had big buildings like the present time. Their culture was simple, beautiful, and heart-touching. They used to eat simple food and wear simple clothes like now, that’s why their culture was very attractive. There was also a time called Arya civilization. They were central Asian steppe, pastoralists, and bought Indo-European languages to the subcontinent. There was another time called the Minortheir civilization (now Egypt). Their many achievements reserved in their art and monuments, holding a fascination that continues to go as archaeological finds expose their secrets. Like these, there were so many civilizations, and time by the time their culture had also changed.

Just for example in Aryan culture, there was also a time when a groom used to apply a spot of his blood on his bride’s forehead to recognize wedlock. Though, this was a very cruel ritual. And later it was obsolete. The bindi or tilak symbolized a happily married woman a single woman or a widow couldn’t wear that tilak or bindi. While it considers a very old tradition and a sign of marriage, today its usage is different, nowadays it is much more for a fashion accessory. Nowadays, the tilak or bindi can be in any color, any shape, and in any size, and even women often use one or more than one. The transformation in the uses of the bindi or tilak is evidence that can even change old tradition time by time. Again things are going to change as another civilization arrived. Therefore time by time, day by day our culture had changed.

Nowadays culture among people is something else. It’s a mixed culture as an effect of globalization. They all now busy with their career. The conventional joint family culture is no more. Nuclear family culture has come. Now, nobody has time for their family and friends. Children don’t get the love and cares from their parents as their parents go to work. Children live with a nurse or caretaker the whole day as their parents go in the morning and come in the evening or at night from work. Children don’t get their parents the whole day. As a result, these children are adopting the same culture of isolation or loneliness. In near future, these children will also be separated from his or her parents.

It’s time to think regarding this culture or transition of culture. Everything in the world has a good effect as well as a bad effect.

Good effects are – Nowadays everything is digital so that people’s works become easier. The work may take 2 – 3 days or more than that to complete but for digitization, those works take just some seconds. We can do everything from home now. For instance, if we are going anywhere, we can book a car from home, for shifting anywhere, we can book rent houses from home, and even we can book hotels from home. Even we can easily contact people from one place to another even from one country to another country in the shortest period of time. We are living with technology. Technology impacts the world like with the usage of phones and computers allowing access to the internet, social media, and more. We can just plugin at any time, 24 hours a day. Simply we are driven by technology. It is not only a problem for adults but also for teenagers and children. They also are wrapped by technology on a daily basis. In our free time many of us, just sit down to relax and immediately engaged with a phone call or a text. All the human brain is engaged by technologies.

In nearly future, we can understand that every old culture is going away from us. Coming babies would not be able to absorb their old culture because day by day situation as well as culture is becoming change. Coming children would not be able to see joint families culture, because family is becoming nuclear. Everybody has to go outside or abroad for their career or jobs, therefore they don’t get time to spend with family and friends. That is why everyone goes outside and settled in their workplace. This is how families are becoming nuclear. As a result, people forget togetherness, bonding, happiness, as they are already so busy with their own life to settle.

The upcoming future is good for most of the people who like to be single, but at the same time, it is bad for the rest of the people who like bonding with people, families, love, happiness, etc. Technology affects our habits, leaves us isolated, promotes a more sedentary lifestyle, also a consonant source of distraction, and promotes a shorter attention span.

In the end, we must say technology and families don't always play nice together. Technology has posed a bad impact on social relationships. It’s very important that there be moderation and good measures to balance technology and life. It’s also essential that families cultivate healthy habits regarding the use of technology.


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An internship is a temporary job role offered to students for professional learning experience which offers meaningful, practical work related experience to students’ fields or career interests.

An internship offers a student opportunity for career exploration, increase in experience, development in career front and learning new skills.


Benefits of Doing Internship

Doing an internship is very much beneficial for a student’s career front.

  1. Job Experience

In recent times, job listing often requires minimum job experience. If a student entering a workforce for the first time, he/she may not have such experience. An internship is a perfect way to fill up that gap. A valuable exposure to a company will give a first hand experience where a student can take part in meetings and perform assigned works.

  1. Research Experience

In the scientific fields, an internship may offer a student to assist with research in a laboratory. A student can find out his/her skills that had been learnt in the academic years in practical settings and can contribute to the research. Many permanent research jobs require such kind of post education training. Moreover, this kind of internship also helps in deciding what kind of laboratory is preferable and favourable for a student.

  1. Access to a variety of tasks and departments

An internship always enables exposure to people of various departments and jobs. From helping a senior management to sit for meetings, internship offers a student to observe daily functions in an office. Thus, it helps a student to decide what kind of job would be preferable.

  1. Mentorship

The most valuable mentor relationship begins with a personal connection which enhances the experience of both mentor and mentee. Being an intern may allow to meet a potential mentor naturally and develop a good relationship that actually offers proper guidance in career path.

  1. Create professional network

Internship is a practical way for the expansion of job network. The professionals met during internship might turn into most valuable connection that will show interest, enthusiasm and willingness for recruitments.

  1. Better Resume

The valuable job experiences enable to fill the resume with honesty and specificity. Not only the experiences of the duties and projects of the internship are added, but also the objective of seeking a permanent position can be more clearly described.

  1. Securing good recommendations and references

The supervisors or mentors of an internship can be valuable references for an intern while pursuing a full time job. Pro-activeness, Positive mind and hard work will pay for open positions.

  1. Transition to a permanent job

Positive experiences acquired from an internship might help in getting hired for a permanent position in a company.

  1. Preliminary employment training

Internship acts as preliminary employment training and HR personnel or the manager can observe an intern in various situations to determine if the intern may be a valuable addition to the team.

  1. Build Confidence

Taking on an internship helps an intern to learn about the work environment. Moreover, one can have a much clearer idea of his/her strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Most importantly, an intern can have hands-on experience which gives far more confidence when it comes to job seeking and interviews.



To sum up, internships always play a very important role in shaping one’s career. They give a real exposure to working environments and help to develop the necessary skills required to stand out in a saturated job market.

Thus whether the internship is paid or non-paid don’t worry about that. Your professional experience (essential for fresher job seeker) and growth will be count from the first day of internship.

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