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Global warming isn't a prediction. It is happening.” – James Hansen

Global warming is a word with which we all are familiar enough. Over since the pre-industrial period of the 1850s to 1900s, our Earth’s climate has started being heated up. This long-term heating of the climate of our BluePlanet is known as GLOBAL WARMING. Since the time of the Industrial Revolution, the annual temperature of our Earth has increased by more than 1 degree Celsius. Between the years 1880 to 1980, the temperature has surprisingly increased by 0.07 degrees Celsius every decade. However, since 1981, the rate of increase in temperature has risen up by 2x. Last 40-50 years, we have seen the annual temperature rising by 0.18 degrees Celsius per decade.

Causes of Global Warming

1. Greenhouse Gases:-

The main stir of climatic changes is the GreenHouse effect. Greenhouse gases are some gases in the atmosphere which act like glass to trap sunlight and stop them from emitting out into space resulting in Global Warming. These GreenHouse gases occur naturally but some of them are increasing at an alarming rate due to human activities. Some of the GreenHouse gases are Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, fluorinated gases, etc.

2. High Population Rate:-

This is one of the most dangerous reasons for Global Warming. On average, one quarter-million people are getting added daily to the 5.3 billion which already exist on the planet. This rapid growth in the global environment is bringing a threat to the ability to supply itself with proper amounts of food, water, fuel, and other requisites. As a consequence, the growth of the use of fossil fuels, deforestation, and various human activities are increasing the levels of Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

3. Deforestation:-

Just to the consequence of point 2, deforestation is another great cause of Global Warming. This planet’s land area is still covered 30% by forests which are decreasing at an alarming rate. Between the years 1990 to 2016, our Earth has lost 502000 square miles of its forests. As a result of deforestation, not only the rate of absorption of Carbon dioxide that we exhale has been decreasing but also the ability of heat-trapping greenhouse gases that are emitted from human activities. Those gases enter the atmosphere causing the increase in Global Warming.

4. Extreme Pollution All Over the World:-

NASA scientists have stated that the Earth has faced record-breaking heat in 2016, including the extreme heat in Australia due to human activities like the burning of fossil fuels. Many researchers have suggested that the rise in the temperature of the atmosphere increases the concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere which is one of the main causes of air pollution. Moreover, we burn fossil fuels like coal, petrol, diesel, etc. which increases the level of Carbon Dioxide which in turn increases the temperature of the atmosphere.

5. Mismanagement of Wastes:-

As we know, one-fourth of the whole surface of the earth island. Thus, we have a limited amount of land. But we waste most of it by disposing of Non-Biodegradable Wastes. These are materials that do not decompose naturally like biodegradable materials. They take up lots of space. People litter many non-biodegradable materials they sometimes may not even make into landfills. Instead, they make their way into forests, parks, agricultural lands, and water bodies. Some dangerous nonbiodegradable materials are Styrofoam, glass, metals like aluminum, copper, since, iron, Electronic devices, plastics, and plastic materials.

Top 10 Polluted Cities in the world

1. Hotang, China

2. Ghaziabad, India

3. Bulandshahr, India

4. Bisrakh, India

5. Bhiwadi, India

6. Noida, India

7.Greater Noida, India

8. Kanpur, India

9.Lucknow, India

10. Delhi, India

Effects of Global Warming

1. Extreme Weather:-

Since the 1950s, most of the land areas of our planet have been lesser or warmer cold days and nights. The hot days and nights became warmer and frequent.

In the last 50 years, heatwaves have turned severe and frequent with high humidity which causes serious threats to human health.

Hot summers have increased by 50-100 folds.

These extreme weather conditions lead to droughts or flooding and erosion in the coastal regions.

Wildfires are becoming frequent due to climatic changes.

2. Water Bodies:-

Rise of sea levels due to thermal expansion, melting of glaciers and ice sheets, warming of ocean surface leading to increases in temperature stratification are the severe effects of Global warming in water bodies. Besides, the amount of oxygen dissolved in water bodies may decrease with the dangerous effect on marine life. The acidification of oceans is increasing at an alarming rate.

3. Agriculture:-

Global Warming has severe negative effects on the agricultural sector. Global warming causes a rise in temperature and reduces rainfall and availability of water to crops, especially in the temperate regions of the world. As a consequence, there will be a change in crop phenology.

4. Human Life:-

Global Warming has perilous effects on human health-damaging the respiratory and circulatory system, heart, lungs, brains, and other body organs resulting in life threats.

5. Extinction of Species:-

Global Warming has affected all living beings severely. It is estimated that approximately 1/3rdof the corals, freshwater mollusks, sharks, 1/4thof mammals, and 1/6th of birds are heading towards extinction. The top 10 endangered animals are Columbia Spotted Frog, Staghorn Coral, American Pika, Adélie Penguin, Leatherback Sea Turtle, Koala, Atlantic Cod, Monarch Butterfly, Ringed Seal, and Polar Bear. Many unknown rare species are endangered due to Global Warming.

6. Diseases caused due to Global Warming:-

As the climate gets affected due to Global Warming, it causes indirect effects on human beings in the form of infectious diseases. Though the effects of such diseases are detected worldwide, yet the effects are different based on the location of the country and social and economical situation.

The two main categories of infectious diseases are

  1. Water and foodborne infectious disease

  2. Vector-borne infectious disease

Vector-borne infectious diseases include Malaria, Dengue fever Elephantiasis, Rift Valley Fever, and Yellow fever. These are mainly caused by mosquitoes and probably one of the greatest threats to human health.

● The solution to decreasing Global Warming

1. Planting of trees and saving the Greens:-

The biggest enemy of our Blue Planet is Carbon Dioxide. We must take steps to reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. To achieve that, we need to save greenery in order to decrease Global Warming. Plant more and more trees. Trees are our best friends. They help to absorb Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. Protect the forests. Reforestation is the best way to prevent Global Warming.

2. Stop Unplanned Urbanization:-

As the population is increasing at a high rate, more than half of the population lives in urban areas. Hence the urbanization of different parts of the world is happening without proper planning. This is one of the greatest threats to human health in the twenty-first century. Ending the urban equality gap and promoting healthy city planning requires urgent attention.

3. More Sustainable Transportation:-

Vehicles contribute 80-85% of emissions in the atmosphere. Medium of transport can be chosen very wisely in order to decrease pollution. We can opt for rideshare instead of using our private cars. Moreover, we can just walk or take a bicycle for a short time traveling. We can easily cut our fuel consumption by almost 40% by reducing the rate of use of harsh brakes and rapid acceleration

4. Stop using Non-Biodegradable Materials:-

Non-Biodegradable Materials are the greatest enemies to our planet. Stop using such materials. Plastics are banned. Hence use alternatives.

5. The 3R method:-

This 3R method is REDUCE – REUSE – RECYCLE


• Reduce the amount of Non-Biodegradable Waste generation.

• Use old newspapers instead of plastics.

• Reduce the use of hazardous materials.


• Small bottles or empty jars can be cleaned and decorated and kept for use as a pen stand or kitchen essentials holders.

• Always prefer glass bottles in place of metals while buying drinks or juices so that they can be reused.

• Reuse the old clothes as dusters, handkerchiefs, covers, and so on.


• Always prefer paper or fiber bags (cotton or jute) over plastic bags.

• Grow plants in disposable plastic jars or containers.

• Papers should also be recycled. Always write on both sides of a paper.

• Do not waste the blank sheets of old writing notebooks. Instead, take out the pages and use them.

6. Using Alternative Sources of Energy:-

  1. Wind Energy - Clean and easily accessible source. Sustainable and never release Carbon. Dioxide. Entirely a renewable source of energy as wind will be there always.

  2. Solar Energy –Most common, renewable source of energy from the sun and is totally natural.

  3. Hydro energy - Hydropower is very common and widely accepted commercially developed today. We can create a dam or barrier to control the flow of water that will drive a turbine and will generate electricity.

  4. Tidal energy - It is an alternative form of hydro energy that uses the tide of the ocean twice daily. And it also generates currents to drive turbine generators. But one problem is it is not constant as tidal waves are not constant.

  5. Biomass energy – It is one of the challenging as well as the best way to clean our environment and to protect our ecosystem. Here all sorts of garbage are converted into solid waste, liquid, and gas fuel. Thus biomass also produces electricity, at a much lower profit but with a high impact on environmental sustainability.

  6. Geothermal energy – Though it is not very popular, in the UK compared to countries such as Iceland it is a very common source of electricity. In fact, by harnessing the usual heat underneath the earth’s surface, geothermal energy can be used to generate electricity.

● Conclusion

Global Warming is definitely a severe threat to our Blue Planet. Our Earth is now sick. Global Warming has caused many problems to us and we are only responsible for the rise of Global Warming. It is high time to check the rise else the next generations will suffer severely.


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An internship is a temporary job role offered to students for professional learning experience which offers meaningful, practical work related experience to students’ fields or career interests.

An internship offers a student opportunity for career exploration, increase in experience, development in career front and learning new skills.


Benefits of Doing Internship

Doing an internship is very much beneficial for a student’s career front.

  1. Job Experience

In recent times, job listing often requires minimum job experience. If a student entering a workforce for the first time, he/she may not have such experience. An internship is a perfect way to fill up that gap. A valuable exposure to a company will give a first hand experience where a student can take part in meetings and perform assigned works.

  1. Research Experience

In the scientific fields, an internship may offer a student to assist with research in a laboratory. A student can find out his/her skills that had been learnt in the academic years in practical settings and can contribute to the research. Many permanent research jobs require such kind of post education training. Moreover, this kind of internship also helps in deciding what kind of laboratory is preferable and favourable for a student.

  1. Access to a variety of tasks and departments

An internship always enables exposure to people of various departments and jobs. From helping a senior management to sit for meetings, internship offers a student to observe daily functions in an office. Thus, it helps a student to decide what kind of job would be preferable.

  1. Mentorship

The most valuable mentor relationship begins with a personal connection which enhances the experience of both mentor and mentee. Being an intern may allow to meet a potential mentor naturally and develop a good relationship that actually offers proper guidance in career path.

  1. Create professional network

Internship is a practical way for the expansion of job network. The professionals met during internship might turn into most valuable connection that will show interest, enthusiasm and willingness for recruitments.

  1. Better Resume

The valuable job experiences enable to fill the resume with honesty and specificity. Not only the experiences of the duties and projects of the internship are added, but also the objective of seeking a permanent position can be more clearly described.

  1. Securing good recommendations and references

The supervisors or mentors of an internship can be valuable references for an intern while pursuing a full time job. Pro-activeness, Positive mind and hard work will pay for open positions.

  1. Transition to a permanent job

Positive experiences acquired from an internship might help in getting hired for a permanent position in a company.

  1. Preliminary employment training

Internship acts as preliminary employment training and HR personnel or the manager can observe an intern in various situations to determine if the intern may be a valuable addition to the team.

  1. Build Confidence

Taking on an internship helps an intern to learn about the work environment. Moreover, one can have a much clearer idea of his/her strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Most importantly, an intern can have hands-on experience which gives far more confidence when it comes to job seeking and interviews.



To sum up, internships always play a very important role in shaping one’s career. They give a real exposure to working environments and help to develop the necessary skills required to stand out in a saturated job market.

Thus whether the internship is paid or non-paid don’t worry about that. Your professional experience (essential for fresher job seeker) and growth will be count from the first day of internship.

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