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How present, past, and future are related to each other


Updated: Jul 11, 2021

In this article, I shall describe some very interesting and very common questions about what we mean by Present, Past, and Future. I would like to hit your brain very fast. Why does the name come like Present Past and Future instead of Past Present Future?

Yes, if you think regarding any time zone –past, present, or future, we must have to start from the current time zone that is present.

A present is just a current event of thinking. The moment we think about the past or future the current time has passed. Because of the speed of the light that is approx 300,000km/s (299792458 m/s).

Here is the answer is hidden within, why past comes after present. Now the question would be what we thought just now? Just imagine once more, the moment we think something that is present indeed. After a millisecond light has passed away from there. Then where are we?

We are then in the past.

If I consider the first thought as “What is present, past, future?”

Within a fraction of a second, the light (also called photon particle in particle physics) will pass so many years after our first thought before our second thought (or to do a simple job). (Photon - It is treated as an elementary particle of the quantum of light, in the electromagnetic field. It includes both radiation and electromagnetic fields. The first one is light and the second one is the radio wave. Photons can move at the speed of light in a vacuum as they are massless)

Likewise, whatever we are thinking all is within a fraction of a second and those times are all passing away very fast. We cannot do a single job or even blink our eyes twice in a single time. Fist job must be at first (due to first light ray) and any other job will be definitely second (due to second light ray). One is first, another is second. There is no problem at all but if we investigate the difference between present and past these are very important issues.

After that, there is the time zone Future.

How can we go there?

A simple but unexpected answer is we can never go in the future. Here also, the significant role is driven by light.

If we speed up our motion the momentum will be gradually high. Like this, if we can (though it’s an imaginary thought) achieve the speed of light we can see that we are so heavy we cannot exist or live. Not only that during that time, at the speed of light we can see the same thing for a long time. (Picture 1) It will appear that time has stopped suddenly. Because the event line that is generated is due to the same light. So the replica of the visible object will be the same. Because the relative velocity of both the time machine and the light are the same. So relatively to both observers, time is not changing.

Picture 1

It’s just like a passenger in a train A will see another passenger in another train B at the same place if the second train will have the same speed (120km/hr) in the same direction. This is called the optical illusion in the time frame as both are sitting on the train.

Now, what is the solution for the future?

The answer is again just like the train example. If the passenger of the first train looks that the second train is going behind that means the first train crosses the speed of the second train. It is possible. But in the case of time zones, it is not at all applicable. Even, if the time traveler crosses the speed of light.

It will then appear that the passenger of the time machine is going backward.

Just look at the picture

Picture 2

Here (Picture 2) time travel machine is going faster than light rays. Now the replica of the object will be shown as follows:

1. First light ray has already reached the object.

2. Second light ray is just before reaching.

3. Third light ray is lagging behind the second light ray.

4. Fourth light ray is the last among all light rays.

But here, the actual fact is just the reverse. A fourth light ray is the current light ray. A third light ray is older than the current light ray. A second light ray is again older than the third light ray. And the first light ray is the oldest that is already reached and generated by the object replica.

Now the passenger of the time machine will see the following:

1. The current light ray is lagging behind the time machine, so the passenger of the time machine will not see the current replica.

2. Third light ray is also a little bit lagging as of the position of a passenger of the time machine. So the previous replica of the object will not be visible.

3. Second light ray just has crossed the time machine. So this ray is visible to the passenger.

4. First light ray is the oldest, that's why the past will be visible to the passenger.

This is the reason why we cannot visualize the future.

Did you ever think about why it is?

Because, in the case of two trains (Picture 1) we can see, passengers were in two different trains. Even speeds were also much smaller than light. So each other could look.

But if the light is lagging then the time machine (Picture 2) the passenger will see the previous light rays.

Here one thing we must notice is that we do not see any object; we see the reflection of light rays. And the only photon is that particle that generates the picture in our retina. That is our vision. But we think we are seeing something. Actually, that is not the fact. If a photon is not there we cannot see any replica of any objects.

Now as we can only sense and see anything by the light rays, so if there are no light rays there might be no objects. But in this case, by time-traveling machine, the passenger will see something that is not actually in present, because present light rays are not there, instead of past light rays, i.e. past replica is there. But since he crosses the speed of light he will see the past gradually (Picture 2).

But yes if we can have another particle that is faster than light and also we can visualize (can see the replica of objects) everything by that through our retina then it is possible to travel in the future.

Here comes another term Tachyon or tachyonic particle.

If we consider (Picture 3) Tachyon at the station as an observer then it can see each train coming into the station which is faster, slower, or at the last. In this case, light 1 and light 2 are the same in velocity.

Picture 3

It is a hypothetical particle that is considered faster than light. But since it is hypothetical they don’t obey the laws known in physics. So the very interesting thing is we always live in the past, we do action in the present and we can imagine a future that is totally unpredictable.

Till now whatever we have discussed is based on Einstein’s theory of relativity where we consider only three-dimensional spaces, a single clock, and a single platform, i.e. a station on the earth. Now if we consider two clocks one is on earth other is in a time machine that can achieve almost 99.9 percent of the speed of light. Now if a passenger left home to go into a spaceship in the year 2022 and he will come back after 5 years on earth he will see the earth clock is not in 2027 it will be 2058.

But the passenger is only 5 years older than when he left the earth. It means, yes, the passenger has traveled 31 years in the future. In this way, one can travel to the future but he can never reach his previously existing world.

It’s the ultimate description of the theory of relativity.

And each time when the object begins to move its motion will be visualized by considering time and space. The more the motion will increase through time, the less it has through space and vice versa.

So we can conclude that if we consider all the parameters of time and space we can say that we have all the time zones at the same time instance. See the next part. It will clear the doubts.

For multidimensional space –

Let us clear about the dimension.

1D – length/ breadth/ height, any one.

2D – length and breadth/ breadth and height/ length and height any two

3D – length, breadth, and height all three

4D – 3D + time1

5D – 4D+time2

Likewise, in our universe we have N number of dimensions.

It can be expressed as the sum of:-

(((((3D+time1) +time2) +time3) +time4)….) +time n

Now we have to know again that light nothing but also a particle, called a photon. It acts as wave-particle dualism. The first one is light and the second one is the radio wave.

For this reason, light rays can deviate from the straight line. If any heaver body of high gravitational force comes in front of the light, the light will deviate from a straight line. Just look the Picture 4, below.

Picture 4

The more the object will be heavier stronger the attraction force of gravity will occur. From the picture, it’s clear that in the first case no obstacle is there so the photon is going straight. For the second and third cases, the photon deviates and the corresponding angle occurs. In the fourth case, the angle is 90 degrees. Just visualize this. In picture 4 we will go to understand the Multi universe or Multidimensional universe.

Picture 5

Here (Picture 5) is the ultimate case where a single light ray is twisting each and every time where stars, planets, or any heavyweight astronomical objects are there. And see here the light ray is started and ended to the source of it. It’s just for an example. The light ray can be gone in any other direction.

One more thing to be added here, all these stars, planets, or any heavy-weight astronomical objects are considered in different universes. But remember here, for each twist the resultant way of light generates a new dimension.

Picture 6

In this picture (Picture 6) it is clearly shown that one light ray or simply photon turns more than 180 degrees. So, how much heavier this object can be.

Thus we can show, in multi-dimensional space, all these three time zones- Present, Past, and Future can be seen. But it is not possible in 3-dimensional spaces like on Earth. We must have to go far away in space where galaxies are there to observe this beautiful magic.


I have explored that indeed it is possible to exist in the present and in the past and future at the same time. The concoction of scientific theories, empirical proofs, and perspective thoughts provides us enough evidence to study this field and make finer progress in this direction. In the most elementary construct, it is the ways and means by which the paths of light rays are affected. Influencing the path of light rays can also provide a motivation to investigate the properties of light waves too. Based on the changes, if observed, in frequency, phase and amplitude of the reflected light waves, we can determine greater insights towards the dream of living in the present and yet in the past and future.


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An internship is a temporary job role offered to students for professional learning experience which offers meaningful, practical work related experience to students’ fields or career interests.

An internship offers a student opportunity for career exploration, increase in experience, development in career front and learning new skills.


Benefits of Doing Internship

Doing an internship is very much beneficial for a student’s career front.

  1. Job Experience

In recent times, job listing often requires minimum job experience. If a student entering a workforce for the first time, he/she may not have such experience. An internship is a perfect way to fill up that gap. A valuable exposure to a company will give a first hand experience where a student can take part in meetings and perform assigned works.

  1. Research Experience

In the scientific fields, an internship may offer a student to assist with research in a laboratory. A student can find out his/her skills that had been learnt in the academic years in practical settings and can contribute to the research. Many permanent research jobs require such kind of post education training. Moreover, this kind of internship also helps in deciding what kind of laboratory is preferable and favourable for a student.

  1. Access to a variety of tasks and departments

An internship always enables exposure to people of various departments and jobs. From helping a senior management to sit for meetings, internship offers a student to observe daily functions in an office. Thus, it helps a student to decide what kind of job would be preferable.

  1. Mentorship

The most valuable mentor relationship begins with a personal connection which enhances the experience of both mentor and mentee. Being an intern may allow to meet a potential mentor naturally and develop a good relationship that actually offers proper guidance in career path.

  1. Create professional network

Internship is a practical way for the expansion of job network. The professionals met during internship might turn into most valuable connection that will show interest, enthusiasm and willingness for recruitments.

  1. Better Resume

The valuable job experiences enable to fill the resume with honesty and specificity. Not only the experiences of the duties and projects of the internship are added, but also the objective of seeking a permanent position can be more clearly described.

  1. Securing good recommendations and references

The supervisors or mentors of an internship can be valuable references for an intern while pursuing a full time job. Pro-activeness, Positive mind and hard work will pay for open positions.

  1. Transition to a permanent job

Positive experiences acquired from an internship might help in getting hired for a permanent position in a company.

  1. Preliminary employment training

Internship acts as preliminary employment training and HR personnel or the manager can observe an intern in various situations to determine if the intern may be a valuable addition to the team.

  1. Build Confidence

Taking on an internship helps an intern to learn about the work environment. Moreover, one can have a much clearer idea of his/her strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Most importantly, an intern can have hands-on experience which gives far more confidence when it comes to job seeking and interviews.



To sum up, internships always play a very important role in shaping one’s career. They give a real exposure to working environments and help to develop the necessary skills required to stand out in a saturated job market.

Thus whether the internship is paid or non-paid don’t worry about that. Your professional experience (essential for fresher job seeker) and growth will be count from the first day of internship.

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