Waste management can be simply defined as the collection, transport, disposal of garbage, sewage, and other products. Waste management is completely devoted to the activities, presentation, and discussion on the various information about solid waste generation, characterization of wastes, wastes’ minimization, collection – separation – treatment – disposal of wastes. Waste management also includes the collection of information of the manuscripts about the waste management policies, education,and economical and environmental assessments.

Types of Waste Disposal
• Landfills:- This is the most popular type of waste disposal, used commonly for throwing daily waste products. This type of waste disposal focuses on burying in the land.
• Combustion:- In this type of waste disposal, mainly municipal wastes are burned at very high temperatures. This process converts the wastes into residues and mostly gaseous products.
• Reduce Reuse Recycle:- This 3R method is one of the most popular methods of waste disposal. This methodology of waste management runs in a cycle. Recycling of waste is the process of converting the wastes into new usable products and hence consumption of new products is Reduced and the Reuse of old products is promoted.

• Plasma Gasification:- In this method, wastes are converted into syngas under terrible heat produced by lighting.
• Composting:- This method is quite easy and natural. This process includes biodegradation of organic wastes
Advantages and Disadvantages of Waste Disposal
• Landfills:-As this method focuses on burying in the ground, landfills are usually found in developing countries. This process sometimes spreads bad odors and dangers before burying. This process takes up a lot of space and thus this process is becoming less happening. Also, the strong spread of methane and other gases, cause severe contamination problems. Landfills usually cause air and water pollution which in turn affects severely and can be fatal to live beings.
• Combustion:- Now this method has a great advantage as it reduces the waste volume up to 25-35% of the original volume. Moreover, it also reduces the space they take up.
• 3R Method:- This idea of Reuse-Recycle-Reduce saves a lot of energy. This idea has promoted the reduction of the volume of landfills, reduction in air and water pollution, and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This method also promoted the preservation of natural resources.
• Plasma Gasification:- This process is mainly used for the destruction of wastes and dangerous materials.
• Composting:- The main beneficiary aspect of this method is that it can turn unsafe organic wastes into safe compost. But on other hand, many people have found it to be slow and require a lot of space.

Benefits of Waste Management
Proper waste management is always good for the environment.
• Better Environment
This is the biggest and most important advantage of Waste Management. Proper disposal of waste leads to a good and fresh environmental atmosphere. Proper waste disposal also promote healthy living and a disease-free society.
• Pollution Reduction
Proper disposal of wastes leads to a step forward towards a pollution-free environment. It also reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and marks the safety of society.
• Energy Conservation
Through the recycling process, the biggest aspect of waste management that is Conservation of Energy is achieved. To take as an example, if we recycle paper to make new papers, the need of cutting trees is reduced and hence a lot of energy is conserved.
• More employment
The recycling companies rather than a bunch of industries create vacancies for hundreds of people. As more people are adopting those eco-friendly products, factories producing and selling such products are now at the forefront.
• A Different Society
Waste Management is definitely making a difference in the world in general and in society in particular. Producing garbage or waste is next to impossible. But we can adopt several methods to reduce waste generation and reuse wastes.

Need of proper Waste Disposal
• Gives aid to an organization:- Proper disposal of wastes actually gives freshness to your home or workplace.
• Spreading Cleanliness:-We all like to live in a neat and tidy place and hence wastes should be properly disposed of.
• Health Sanity:-Proper cleanliness promotes, healthy living.
• Reduction in Pest Infestation:-Wastes always attract pests, insects and rodents towards and hence diseases spread.
• Protection from Bio Hazards:-Gadgets, electronic materials, and chemical wastes are dangerous. Sometimes they leak and contaminate soil and water.
• Community Health is Improved:-Proper waste disposal is required for the sake of people in the community.
• Protection of the Environment:-Environment protection is another measure of proper waste disposal.
• Physical Safety:- Physical safety is one of the utmost requirements.
• Gain of Energy:-Proper disposal of wastes promotes gain in energy by the recycling process.
• Earnings:- Trash sorting, recyclables sorting, and waste management is a good way of earning.

Future of Waste Management
The rate of waste generation depends on various factors like population density, economical status, commercial activities, cultural and traditional traits, and region. Statistics show that the world will produce approximately 27 billion tonnes per year by the years 2050-2060. This waste will comprise of one-third contribution from Asia, with a big amount from China. The waste Generation of India will rise approximately four to five times in 2025. By the advancing years of 2040, waste generation can grow more than 160 million tonnes.
The rapid growth in urbanization in our country has led to an increase in the waste generation. To this waste generation, electronic wastes and plastic wastes contributed a large amount. Biomedical wastes have risen up its amount in a large shot in a couple of years due to the spread of Covid 19.
It still remains unnoticed that a huge amount of waste is dumped or kept untreated at the outskirts of villages or towns which cause contamination, pollution, and epidemics. This should be immediately checked.
The “Digital India” campaign of the government can be better if it is emphasized on the matter of waste management for automated technologies which are both energy efficient and less costly.
Proper disposal of wastes leads to a healthy lifestyle, a disease-free environment, and a pollution-free atmosphere, and above all a nice society. We should all look forward to making our society clean and tidy and hence create a better world to live in.
